Kacey pictured above at 13 weeks of age, with best buddy
Brooke on the right.
Kacey pictured above at 11-12 weeks of age. Brooke is in the
upper right photo.
Kacey pictured above at 9 weeks of
On top, the kids giving Kacey a bath.
On bottom, a couple of the Davis
girls with a clean and fresh Kacey ;-)
Kacey pictured above at 8 wks of
age, the day he left to join his new family.
That's owner Tracy cuddling her new boy and schmoozing with Kacey's mamma
Kacey pictured above at 6 and 7
weeks of age
.Breeders: Kelley & Richard Hoffman
Owners: Tracy & Tony Davis and Kelley Hoffman
Date of Birth: October 15, 2005