Performance & Conformation News
Fawkes & Tanya Rock!
10/11, 2007. Tanya Vivian and her gorgeous and talented performance Terv
boy Fawkes had a rockin' agility weekend to be proud
of! Fawkes added a new title to his name, and is now more
formally known as Blackcomb's Philosopher's Stone HT ADC.
The ADC stands for Agility Dog of Canada in the Agility Association of
Canada (AAC) organization. He got this title by getting three Qs or Qualifying
scores in the Starters level of agility in AAC. We are very proud to say
that Tanya and Fawkes placed FIRST in their class while getting EACH
of these Qs. Quite impressive! Tanya and Fawkes ALMOST added a second
title to his name this weekend too -- SGDC (Starters Games Dog of
Canada). To do this, you have to have one Q in each of the four games at the
starters level. The games are Snooker, Jumpers, Gamblers and Team. Tanya and
Fawkes have them all except for Team. Unfortunately, Fawkes thought for sure
the baton that you have to carry was a toy for him and he wanted it!! Anyone
who knows Fawkes, knows that this is entirely plausible!
total, Tanya and Fawkes qualified in Starters Snooker, Starters Gamblers,
ADVANCED jumpers and two Starters Standard trials this weekend all with FIRST
PLACES! Tanya and Fawkes make an awesome team. And to think Tanya
was worried he would be tired and unable to focus after all his studley duties
the week prior! Fawkes proved like his daddy a little romancing just
makes the engine run faster and smoother. ;-) Fawkes is just over 2
years old. He was co-bred Natalie Vivian of Blackcomb and BasqueLaine,
and is from our Enchanted Litter. His sire is Kathy Madden and Darcy
Ferrentino's Charm and his mom is our Iserah (Ch
Hexen House Iserah). Fawkes' mom Serah is due to have Brenner SAR and
performance pups in April. We can't wait for the Super
Sleuths litter to arrive. There should be some awesome working SAR
dogs and performance prospects as well. Email
me with inquiries.
Conner & Darcy pick up some MX/MXJ Legs
10/11, 2007 - Woohoo to Darcy and Conner,
BasqueLaine-Montage Save the World AX AXJ. Conner is moving along in AKC
Exc B, hot on the trail of littermates MACH/ADCH/NATCH Maxwell and MACH
Merlin. At the Springfield MA Trial, with co-owner Darcy Ferrentino, he earned
his 6th MXJ leg and his 2nd MX leg! Way to go Conner and
Darcy! Conner is from our highly talented Spies'n Heroes agility litter
out of our foundation bitch, Swedish import Marissa,
Mahagonny's Rites of Passage HIC by Montage British import George, U-BISS
Am/Can/UKC Champion Belamba Seaflower Montage CD PT JHD CGC TDI TT
P-BAR. What a litter these guys have turned out to be.
Congratulations to all their dedicated owners.
Maxwell picks up more Double Q's and Speed
24/25, 2007 - Maxwell went 3 for 4 while
earning his 6th QQ towards MACH2 and picked up 128 MACH speed points
in the process on his three 1st place runs. Rusty says he wowed
the crowd with some simply beautiful runs. Their only fault this weekend
came on Sunday's Jumpers run where he was just beating up the course when
Rusty took his eye off him for a split second causing him to go off course.
Even with adding an additional obstacle to the course, Maxwell's time beat all
excellent dogs (all jump heights). To say he is running like a champion
would simply be an understatement! Hopefully Rusty and Maxwell can stay
in this groove for a while! Maxwell is closing in on 3000 MACH points
(enough for a MACH4). Now to keep knocking off those Double Q's like
they have been! Congratulations to Rusty and Maxwell for another great
weekend, and to Rhian too, Maxwell's house mate for moving out of novice with
some smokin runs herself! Maxwell is from our Spies'n Heroes litter out
of Marissa by Kathy Madden's George.
Don't Forget to Watch Animal Planet!
forget, the Eukanuba Agility Invitational taped in December will be
aired for the first time tonight February 11th on Animal Planet at 8:00
PM (Eastern time I think, but check Animal Planet's web site).
There's a pretty good chance we'll see Rusty & Maxwell
on TV! You have a few chances to catch it:
Feb 11 @ 8:00 PM
Feb 12 @ 12:00 AM
Feb 15 @ 8:00 PM
Feb 15 @ 11: 00 PM
Feb 18 @ 3:00 PM Hopefully Rusty and Maxwell will get a few moments in the
Can't Be Stopped!
the Eukanuba Invitational in December, Rusty & Maxwell
have been on a roll. This past weekend the boys left
Rhee-Rhee, and her and Maxwell's love child, daughter Blade, at home in season
while Rusty and Maxwell ventured out to another in-town AKC trial hoping to
earn some Q's. Well, it would seem these boys are getting the MACH game
down pat. Maxwell brought home 2 more QQ's and 112 MACH speed
points, earning two 2nds in Standard (they're holding their
contacts until Nationals) and two 1sts in Jumpers, putting the
smack-down on all the BC's down that way. Rusty was proud of the
way Maxwell ran all weekend being able to shake off the "Love
Potion" that has been lurking around his home all week. This brings
Maxwell up to 5 QQ's towards his MACH2 and pushes him over
the 2500 MACH speed point threshold. They're staying in town again
next weekend for another AKC trial where they will try to pick up where they left off last weekend. Good Luck boys ... on all fronts. ;-)
Cupcake, keep a close eye on Houdini please.
Introducing MACH Merlin!!!!!
are CELEBRATING some truly wonderful news. We got all choked-up
when Marti Wiseman called unexpectedly Friday, 1/18/2007, to report Merlin
had finished his MACH! In the true Spies'n Heroes spirit,
stealthy Marti was entered in a trial we didn't know about, setting us up for
a BIG surprise. We thought her next trial was in March, but she snuck
one in on us. ;-) I love it when unexpected new is good
news. Merlin picked up QQ #20 with a 3rd place in jumpers
and a 1st place in standard, plus all the 'new MACH' accolades
and goodies. Marti was in her home state of Pennsylvania in front a few
hometown friends. Finishing up their MACH on Friday freed them up to
play USDAA agility games for the rest of the weekend, where Marti & Merlin
had more great trial news to report! Merlin finished his Master
Standard title with a third place and his Master Snooker title
with a first place!! AND .... that Snooker finish brought
them their third (in a row!) Super Q!!! They also
picked up a second place ribbon (and our third Pairs leg) in the Pairs
Relay, a fourth-place finish and Q in Grand Prix, and
a Q in jumpers. All that's needed for Merlin’s ADCH is
one more Master Gambler leg and two more Pairs Relay legs! These two are a truly awesome team with a
very special bond, and Marti is just the sweetest, nicest person you'd ever
want to meet. Merlin is Marti's first Belgian, and her first MACH. Thank
you Marti & husband Ray (who has handled Merlin here and there, and is
also a really nice guy!) for being such wonderful and loving owners and such
dedicated trainers. Major congratulations to an agility team to be reckoned
with, Marti and her Magical Merlin. Marti is not able to trial as often
as she'd like, but in somewhat limited AKC showing Merlin finished #14th in
AKC Agility Standings through 11/25/2006. We are so looking forward
to the AKC National agility competition in Columbus, Ohio late
March/early April, where we'll get to see Merlin and Maxwell run.
Merlin is now more formally known as MACH
BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Passage MAD JM SM SAM AR EAC EJC EGC TN-O TG-O RN CGC
TDI. Merlin is the second from our Spies'n Heroes litter
to MACH, finishing right
on the heels of litter brother Maxwell. Litter
brother Conner is competing in Exc. B working
on his MX/MXJ. Litter brother Hero has
just started training in agility. Conner & Hero are owned, trained,
handled, and loved by Darcy Ferrentino. For the second
time in two months we all got emotional and reminisced about the cute,
mischievous, very developmentally advanced litter of Tervuren puppies that
brought us all so close together five years ago. I especially remember
Merlin's birth as Momma Marissa was under the bed and wouldn't come out until
Merlin made an appearance. While laying on my belly, head and chest
under the bed, I was finally able to sneak the first born pup away from her
and coax her out from under the bed. In the darkness of the bat cave
(Marissa's favorite and special hiding place that is all hers), I did the
underside check on the first born Spy and thought it was a girl. We
moved the show to the whelping box and I put a dark teal ribbon around
"her" neck and "she" was called Teal Girl. I
discovered maybe three days later "Teal Girl" was a boy, and then
Merlin became "Green Boy". <g> That's the first and last
time I've done that ... so far. Developmentally, Merlin was the first to do
everything -- first born, first to get up on his feet, first to perch on the
pig rail and survey the landscape below, first to show an interest in toys,
first to climb out of the box, first to go through the tunnel, first to greet
us when called, first to get his ears up as I recall. (The Spies' ears were
all up by 4-5 weeks of age.) With the Spies' we had the promise and
commitment of some novice owners to try agility, and as expected from the
pedigree cross, we had potential galore oozing out of the puppies at an early
age enabling us to put each puppy with the most appropriate handler.
Everything fell into place beautifully. Looks and temperament and
athleticism are highly consistent and predictable. Some lasting
(undoubtedly lifetime) friendships were formed. Everything about the
Spies'n Heroes litter was a nick from the get-go, and very special to me and
to Kathy because the parents of the litter, my Marissa
and her George, are our
heart dogs. The Spies'n Heroes are co-bred by BasqueLaine-Montage.
It's turning out to be a really fun ride for both me and Kathy ;-)
Thanks for the thrills!
Another Gangster becomes a Canine Good Citizen
congratulations to Patty Naimo and her incorrigible Gangster
pup Vinnie, CGC. It would appear there's still hope for the Gangsters to follow the straight and
narrow path as Vinnie is the second Gangster pup to earn his CGC at a tender
age. Vinnie's brother Louie did so a
couple of months ago. The Gangster Litter is only 9 months old.
They're out of our Swedish import foundation female Marissa
and Kathy Madden's Swedish import Grimm son, Thrymmie. Way to go Patty
& Vinnie! We're very proud of you two and we look forward to more
accomplishments in the future with your 'bad boy' BasqueLaine-Montage
Mafioso, CGC.
<g> Brothers Mr. Big and Tough
Guy send high-fives to their 'bro! (P.S. - We don't believe the
Gangsters are turning good for one minute. We think they've got some
kind of racket going.)
Amazing Maxwell at the 2006 AKC Eukanuba Agility
MACH ADCH NATCH U-AGII BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Agent
CGC TDI, Maxwell and owner/handler Rusty Pearson
returned from the 2006 AKC Agility Invitational in Long Beach, California where they had one heck of an incredible weekend. This was a special event
held December 2-4, 2006, where only 5 dogs from each breed were invited to compete based on AKC agility point national standings.
In Maxwell's 24" division there were 102 dogs.
The first day, in Round 1 Standard, Maxwell and Rusty took 1st place and in Round 2 Jumpers they took 3rd place, with their cumulative score putting him in 1ST PLACE at the top of the board for all 24" dogs!
The second day, in Rounds 2 and 4, Maxwell doubled Q'd again with two 2nd places, hanging on to his 1st place standing by a fraction of a second, with Border Collie Diesel from England (UK 2006 FCI World Team member and 4 time World Champion) in hot pursuit!
Only 12 from each height division moved on to the Final Round, with just one representative from each breed
allowed in each height class. Dogs ran in reverse order so Maxwell went last, right behind Diesel.
Diesel had an awesome run and did win the class.
Rusty laid it on the line and went full out to try and beat his time, which they did by a second! Unfortunately, Maxwell missed the dog walk contact and
had a fly-off on the teeter. No holding back was the only option for them and they sure gave it their best shot.
To have 1st, 3rd, 2nd and 2nd placements in the first 4 rounds
and go into the Finals as Number One was absolutely thrilling for all of us waiting with baited breath at home. Just to have a Belgian in the Finals at all was fantastic, let alone to go in at the top of the pack. They represented our breed in fine form and showed the world that Belgians can compete with Border Collies. Watch for Maxwell and Rusty on Animal Planet in February when the show is aired!
Thank you to so many people, Belgian owners and non-Belgian owners too, who cheered for Maxwell and Rusty and sent their congratulations. Thank you,
Kathy, for agreeing to co-breed the litter with me and for believing in
Maxwell's mom, my little
Swedish girl Marissa. And most of all, thank you Rusty. It was only a few years ago when Rusty inquired about a high energy, intelligent dog to
"do something" with. I am simply awed and amazed over what Rusty has accomplished with his
dog, and I'm honored and humbled to be Maxwell's breeder. Thanks, cupcake,
for taking me along on this wild ride! ;-) AKC has posted a neat video of Maxwell versus Diesel in the Finals, superimposed in overlay mode so they appear to be running side by side. Click here to go to the
link. Watch Maxwell make tighter turns than the smaller BC and put the hammer down blasting out of the weaves! Then
in Wichita Falls TX, for their last AKC trial of the year 2006, Rusty/Maxwell
showed 'em what they were made of once again picking up 2 Double Q's,
with two 1st and two 2nd place ribbons and over 100 speed points
towards their MACH2!!! Rusty says he was only planning on having
fun with his boy and working on contacts. ;-))) Congrats as well to
Maxwell's housemate Rhian (and otherwise mate, mom of the Montage Speed Litter
with Maxwell) who also had some lovely runs in Wichita Falls. Currently
Maxwell is the #2 ranked AKC Terv year-to date (thru November 25th) and
has over a 300 point lead on the next dog. Maxwell continues to hold
onto the #1 USDAA Tournament Top 10 ranking for Tervs.
Go Merlin and Marti, closing in on their MACH and ADCH!
Marti Wiseman and her
Merlin are just one Double Q away from joining littermate Maxwell for a MACH! Merlin
recently picked up QQ's #18 & #19 with 4 flawless 1st place wins along with the 71 remaining speed points he had needed.
Merlin is BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Passage MX MXJ MAD JM ASA AS AR AJ PD1
EAC EJC EGC TN-O TG-O RN CGC TDI. Merlin has also been busy in USDAA, recently completing his Masters Agility Dog (MAD) title and his
Master Jumpers title (JM), as well as 2 back to back Super Q's in Master Snookers! Super Qs are only given to the top percentage of the class and its a very small number, tough to get. Three are needed for the ADCH
(USDAA Championship).
All he needs now to finish are one more Super Q, one more Standard leg, one Gamblers leg and 3 Pairs legs. Merlin is qualified for the AKC Nationals. It will be very cool to have littermates
competing together at the highest level. Co-breeder Kathy Madden and I are beaming!
Marti and Merlin are currently ranked 14th in the AKC Tervuren year-to-date
rankings (through November 25, 2006). Hurray for Marti & Merlin! |
Conner is in the hunt for Double Q's!
BasqueLaine-n-Montage Save the
Connor has moved up to Exc B, joining littermates Merlin and Maxwell in the quest for Double Qs.
After a summer without trials, he went to a one day event with co-owner Darcy
Ferrentino, and finished his 3rd AX leg with a 2nd place/Q! Then he went with Darcy and Charm to the Buffalo, NY Trial, where I am happy to report that his
first time out as an Exc B, Conner brought home a Double Q, acing both courses with two 4th place finishes! These tough courses had dogs dropping like flies. The Conman now has 5 MXJ legs and his first MX leg. Congratulations, Darcy!
Conner is also out of our Spies'n Heroes litter co-bred with Montage, a
littermate to Maxwell and Merlin.
Triple Agility Champion MACH/ADCH/NATCH
I am thrilled beyond words to present MACH ADCH NATCH U-AGII BasqueLaine-Montage
Secret Agent TM-Silver, JCH, SCH-Bronze, RCH, O-EAC, EJC, O-EGC, O-TN-E, WV-E,
TG-O, SJ, SS, WETT, HIC, CGC, TDI "Maxwell".
Rusty Pearson and his amazing Maxwell picked up QQ #20 to finish off their
MACH Sunday 11/19/2006 at Rusty's club's trial in TX. They went 3/4
and I'm sure there were high placements involved. This makes Maxwell a
TRIPLE agility champion at just 4 years of age! Woohoo!!! He
earned his USDAA ADCH, and his NADAC NATCH agility championships first, and
now the last jewel of the Triple Crown, the MACH!! Very few Belgian have
achieved this. Maxwell and Rusty are now headed for the 2006 AKC Invitational
in Long Beach, California, as well as the 2007 AKC World Team Tryouts in
Hopkins, Minnesota next May. We wish them the best of luck, and our
fingers and toes are crossed for Marti Wiseman and Maxwell's littermate Merlin
to pick up their 20th QQ and finish their MACH at their next AKC trial.
Marti and Merlin should also finish their USDAA agility championship (ADCH)
next year. These boys are from our Spies'n Heroes litter.
Special thanks to co-breeder Kathy Madden, and to the proud sire and dam,
George and Marissa, for their awesome contributions to this equation.
And the biggest thanks of all goes to Rusty, the guy who was looking for a
pet, his first Belgian, but thought he might be game to try an activity or two
with his dog. ;-))))
New Champion Toivo
Our Dutch import Typical Toivo of Dark Brightness HSAs, Toivo is a NEW AKC CHAMPION!
Toi picked up his first 10 AKC conformation points and 3 majors last year
with Kathy Madden handling in between herding training and getting his AKC Herding Started A-course, Sheep, title.
He recently returned to the show ring closer to home and finished his championship undefeated in just a few shows with 3 consecutive BOB wins and
BOW/BOS for a 4th major (4 points) at the November 2006 Columbus, Ohio
cluster, beautifully presented by Sherri Wilmoth (thank you
Sherri!). Toivo is co-owned with Kathy.
Rally Obedience & Herding Accomplishments for Kelda
Miss Risky
Kelda and her person Kate Sreenan have been very daring lately in the AKC Rally-Obedience ring. In spite of being closely related to the infamous
Montage Desi/Bandit line, Kelda managed to control her evil instincts long enough to
make it around the Advanced Rally ring off leash her first try, for a score of 96 and 1st place! The second day, she completed the first and second signs with brilliance and then... off she went for three full circuits of top speed, zoomy Terv fun!
That's okay, Kate, we are still very proud of you and Kelda. We love devilish Terv girls.
;-) In the herding arena, Kelda and Kate entered their first AKC Test & Trial in Kentucky and came away with their first HT leg! Great
job Kate & Kelda!
Fawkes Rocks in Agility and Conformation
Beautiful grey Charm x Iserah son Blackcomb's Philosopher's Stone Can. HT,
Fawkes co-owned by Tanya and Natalie Vivian,
has been on a break from agility and showing while Tanya has been away working in the field. After only just returning home, Tanya took Fawkes to a CKC Trial for a little agility practice.
Well, his first time in the Standard ring, Fawkes earned a Starters Standard Q with a 1st place! He then went on to his first Advanced Jumpers run where he again Q'd with 1st place! Who needs practice?
This is Fawkes' second agility trial. He had made his debut at the Canadian National Specialty where he ran in both NADAC and CKC the
same weekend, going 2 out of 4 in his NADAC runs and 2 for 2 in his CKC runs. What a great start to an agility career.
He took time out between runs for a little conformation showing and, even though he is a skinny teenager, managed to take Best of Winners in the regular show for 5 Championship points, beating a very large
group of national specialty attendees. Beauty and talent in one lovely dark grey package :-). Congratulations, Tanya and Natalie!
Fawkes is from our Enchanted Litter co-bred with Natalie Vivian of Blackcomb.
That's Louie, Canine Good Citizen to you ;-)
BasqueLaine-Montage Wise Guy,
Louie has added a CGC to his name at the extremely young age of 6 months old! Just goes to show that even a wise guy can be a good citizen :-). Louie really did us proud!
He is owned by Susan & Burton Dodd and their three sons in Atlanta GA, and co-owned by BasqueLaine. He is the Dodd's first Belgian and first performance puppy. Susan and Louie are now taking rally-obedience. Congratulations, Susan! You and Louie are off to a fabulous start.
Louie is from our Gangsters Litter (BasqueLaine pages for the Gangsters coming soon!) co-bred with Montage.
Until we get Louie's page up, follow the link above to view Louie's page at Montage.
Obedience Graduate Kruiser
Linda Parks and her lovely Toivo x Marissa son
Kruiser graduated from Obedience 101. As part of graduation exercises all the dogs performed under a panel of three judges and prizes were awarded for Best Dog, Best Handler, and Best Team. I am happy to report that Linda and Kruiser
won the award for Best Obedience Team! Kruiser was bred by BasqueLaine
and is from our V Litter, more formally known as BasqueLaine Voyages of Happy Tails. Now on to Rally-O! Congratulations, Linda and
Happy News from the ABTC 2006 National Specialty, May 2006
BasqueLaine dogs and owners had a great time at the ABTC 2006
National Specialty in Carlisle PA! I was not able to attend
because my daughter was seriously ill so 6 month old Marissa x Charm kids Marie and Quest
from our Run for the Roses litter (pages coming soon!) were not shown in Puppy
Sweeps or the regular Puppy classes. Some of our dogs who did attend had Qs in agility and exciting wins and class placements, plus
a nice placement in conformation.
Unfazed by their 1400 mile drive
from Texas, Rusty Pearson and ADCH NATCH U-AGII BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Agent
SS WETT HIC CGC TDI, Maxwell began
with a smokin' hot run in Exc B Standard for a Q/1st place and 52 MACH speed points!
He knocked a bar in Jumpers but littermate BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Passage MX
Merlin and
Marti Wiseman picked up the ball and took a Q/4th place win! The second
day of the trial, Maxwell took another Q/1st place in Standard and a Q/2nd place
in Jumpers for his 8th Double Q. I am thrilled to report in conformation under breeder-judge Debbie Dawe
Genuine Risk HIC CGC Kelda won 2nd place
in the hotly contested American Bred Bitches class with her owner Kate Sreenan!
Kate did a wonderful job and I'm told looked quite smashing in orchid and black.
Kelda had just made her show debut a couple of weeks before for her first point
and also had just earned a Rally Novice title. She is Kate's first show dog.
Special thanks to Darcy Ferrentino for grooming Kelda. Kelda is form our
Daredevils Litter co-bred with Montage. |
Filling In the News Gap and Site Updates
I fell months behind on updating our
web site, including keeping the news up to date. I hope to get back on track soon.
Gosh, I never thought it would be a problem having too much news to
report, but I was wrong. ;-) There's still lots of news to share
in the "missing" months from February 2006 through the Fall
of 2006. I'll get to that as soon as I
am able to. Please check back often over the
next several weeks. We do have a lot to more to share and updated photos of so many or our lovely BasqueLaine Belgians -
those in residence and those beloved by their
USDAA News - Maxwell
- Rusty Pearson and his amazing Maxwell
competed at a USDAA trial in Carthage TX on January 28th and 29th
going 4 for 8 with a first, second, and 2 third place finishes.
They also earned another title -- Masters Jumper Champion (JCH).
We believe Maxwell is only the 6th Terv to earn the JCH. The
Champion title was attained when Maxwell got his 10th Masters jumpers
Q. Maxwell's first place finish was in Snooker where Maxwell was
the only dog to accumulate all 51 points on the run and he did it with
time to spare! Way to go Rusty and Maxwell! Rusty also
reports Maxwell has now earned 50 individual titles to this point in
his career! Maxwell is from our Spies'n
Heroes litter and is now more formally known as ADCH U-AGII
BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Agent MX MXJ JCH TM-Silver O-EAC EJC O-EGC
NADAC Agility News - Maxwell
1/22/2006 -
Maxwell and Rusty did another NADAC trial
January 21st and 22nd and went 7 for 12 with all 1st place finishes --
again! Rusty also reports he and Maxwell have finished off a few
new NADAC titles over the course of their last 3 trials. Maxwell
earned two more "Outstanding Elite" titles in Wildcard (aka
Gamblers) and Tunnelers as well as completing his Elite Weavers and
Open Touch-n-Go titles. Regular Elite titles are earned by
getting 3 Q's in each class. Outstanding Elite are earned with
10 qualifying scores. In their quest for the NADAC Championship
(NATCH) they still need 5 more Jumpers legs and 3 Wildcard (Gamblers)
Q's which they hope to finish off really soon. Next they're off
to Carthage Texas for a USDAA trial and then to McKinney TX to do AKC
on Sunday. Once they get their NATCH they will focus on AKC for
a while in the quest for QQs. Nice Job Rusty and Maxwell.
What a team! Your breeders are very proud of you two.
Maxwell's USDAA Final Standings 2005
1/18/2006 -
Congratulations to Rusty Pearson and his rocket Terv Maxwell
on some very respectable rankings in the USDAA 2005 final
standings. Maxwell was the top ranked Terv in both the USDAA
Tournament Top Ten points and Masters Jumpers. Tournament Top
Ten includes all points earned in Grand Prix, Steeplechase and Team
events, and Maxwell ended up tied for 34th overall with 73 points.
In Masters Jumpers he wound up 16th overall. In Gamblers, Snookers and
Standard, Maxwell was the 2nd ranked Terv in the country. Not a
bad showing for a 3 year-old boy in his first full year of trialing at
the USDAA Masters level Maxwell completed the requirements for his
ADCH in September 2005. What a great year these two boys had!
This year they are already closing in on their NATCH then they'll
focus on finishing up their MACH.
Maxwell is from our Spies'n
Heroes litter and is more formally known at ADCH UAG1 BasqueLaine-Montage
WV-N SJ SS WETT HIC CGC TDI. He's the son of our Swedish import Marissa,
Mahagonny's Rites of Passage HIC, and Kathy Madden's British import George,
BISS Am/Can/UKC Champion Belamba Seaflower Montage CD PT JHD CGC TDI
More NADAC Agility - Maxwell
1/16/2006 -
Maxwell and Rusty did another NADAC trial in
Calera, Oklahoma and had a blast going 9 for 12 with all first place
finishes!!! Maxwell went 4 for 4 in Regular and having the
fastest time of all dogs in the Elite division on all of his runs.
He went 2 for 2 in Jumpers (fastest times as well) and 2 for 2 in
Weavers (fastest times of all dogs). Wow! That's smokin' em
;-) Maxwell is now starting to close in on his NATCH, needing 5
more Jumpers legs and 4 more Gamble legs (now called
"Wildcard"). Best of Luck Rusty and
Maxwell. You boys make us very proud as usual!
NADAC Agility News- Maxwell
1/8/2006 -
Maxwell and Rusty went to Calera, OK for a
NADAC trial on January 7th and 8th to start off the new year.
Maxwell finished off 2 more NADAC titles and made a little progress
towards his NADAC Championship (NATCH). On Saturday, Maxwell
went 4 for 6 with four 1st places and earned his Open Weavers title
(WV-O). On Sunday Maxwell went 3 for 6 with three more first
place ribbons and finished off his Outstanding Elite Tunnelers title
(O-TN-E). They'll be heading back to Calera, OK next weekend to
chip away at the last few runs needed. They need 6 more
Jumpers legs and 5 more Gamblers leg for the NATCH,
Hopefully they'll be able to put the finishing touches on this title
before spring time.. We wish them the best of luck. We are
so proud of these boys!
New MXJ Title for Merlin
- Congratulations to Marti Wiseman and her Magical Merlin
for one heck of a weekend in Cleveland, Ohio. They finished
their MXJ title on Thursday in Merlin's first run of the
weekend. By the time the weekend was over, Marti and
Merlin had achieved 7 out of 8 Q’s, picking up 3 QQ's, and
completing Merlin’s MXJ title. This puts them at 250 total
MACH points and a total of 8 QQs. They're about a third of the
way toward their MACH. You go Marti and Merlin! You make
your breeders very proud! ;-) Merlin is now
more formally known as BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Passage MX MXJ EAC
AKC Agility News - Maxwell
12/04/2005 -
Rusty Pearson and Maxwell headed to
McKinney, TX for their last Agility trial of the year. Maxwell
had one of the best AKC weekends of his life going 5 for 6 and earning
2 more QQ’s while racking up 115 MACH points in the process.
They were 1 bar away from making it a clean sweep, but Rusty got a
little too excited on their last run of the weekend and caused Maxwell
to take a bar down near the end of the run. When the weekend was
over, Maxwell had to his credit 3 Jumpers Q’s -- two 1st place runs
and one 2nd place run. In Standard they worked contacts and ran
conservatively all weekend earning a 2nd place on Friday and a
3rd place on Saturday. Rusty reports all of the courses were
challenging, and just making it around the course without a fault was
quite an accomplishment. Maxwell now has 6 double Q’s and over
900 MACH points. Huge congratulations to two of our favorite
boys! Rusty and Maxwell, once again you've done us proud.
Keep up the good work and best of luck in the new year.
USDAA 2005 Cynosport Games - Rusty &
- 11/13/2005 - Rusty Pearson and Maxwell had
a great time at the USDAA World Cynosport Games in Scottsdale Arizona
November 9-13th. In addition to some nice agility runs, Rusty
managed to squeeze in one DockDog jump good enough to make Maxwell an
alternate to the top 12 who went on to the finals. Not too
bad for only jumping once throughout the week with little or no
special training or preparation! Rusty apparently has found
another sport for Maxwell. They also had Lure Coursing, so
Maxwell and Rusty tried it out. Maxwell didn’t need much
coaxing and took off after the lure once he saw it hit the ground.
Rusty ran around the “infield” cheering Maxwell on and
calling out obstacles as he ran (there were tires, tunnels and jumps
on the course). Maxwell’s first run was about 15 seconds which
was the 4th fastest time for all of the 24” dogs. On
their second run, Rusty left Maxwell at the “box”
by himself and did a thirty yard lead out so that he could call
Maxwell to him when the lure appeared. Once the lure took
off Maxwell hit the accelerator and launched after it. He zigged
and zagged, jumped and ducked all the way around the course and set
the big dog time to beat at 12.23 seconds, which at the time they left,
was the fastest of all dogs over 18” in height! Maxwell
thoroughly enjoyed himself and Rusty says he might like to try
that again on a bigger lure course. ;-) It seems there's nothing
these two can't do!!!
Rally News, Kate and Kelda!
- The amazing Ms. Risky Kelda and her owner/handler Kate Sreenan went
two for two at their Rally obedience debut (way down south in Dixie)
to earn two legs toward her RN title! ;-) Way to go Kate and
Kelda! These two will be polishing up their performance for
their second Rally trial December 9th. GOOD LUCK to this new
performance team. We are as proud as can be of these
girls! Kelda is from our Daredevils litter co-bred with Montage
(Hero x Torchy) and is more formally known as Montage-BasqueLaine
Genuine Risk. I suspect you'll be hearing more about these
two in the future! Sounds like Kate is hooked on dog events
;-). Agility and conformation are also on their radar screen.
Congratulations George!
would like to extend congratulatory wishes to our dear friend Kathy
Madden (Montage) on George's Performance BAR! For a stud dog to
earn a "Performance Breeder's Achievement Award" (P-BAR), 100 total points must be accumulated in herding and/or
agility titles from offspring and grand offspring. What an
honor, and it couldn't have happened to a more wonderful boy! George
is like family to us. He's visited our home numerous times and
we've visited with him in New York on several occasions and we've
grown to love him like one of our own. George
is the sire of our Spies'n Heroes litter, grandsire of our Daredevils
litter, and sire of our upcoming litter with Marissa daughter Jo,
which we'll be co-breeding with Kate Stephenson of Genesis
Belgians. We are so very proud that our Spies'n Heroes
contributed 31 points towards the 100 needed for George's P-BAR.
Way to go Muffin Man! Your kids and grandkids have done you
proud! George is now more formally known as BISS Am/Can/UKC
Champion Belamba Seaflower Montage CD PT JHD CGC TDI TT P-BAR!
Maxwell USDAA Agility News 10/30/05
- Rusty and Maxwell had a really good
weekend at a USDAA Agility Trial in Carthage TX. Maxwell went 4
for 7 picking up three 1st places and a 3rd place. He and Rusty
took took 1st in Pairs, Standard, and Jumpers and 3rd in
Gamblers. Maxwell is formally known as ADCH U-AGII BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Agent MX MXJ MAD
TDI Very shortly Rusty and Maxwell will be off to
Scottsdale Arizona for the USDAA Nationals. GOOD LUCK to two of
our favorite boys! We'll be cheering you on!!
Conner AKC Agility News 10/23/05
- Darcy Ferrentino and Conner competed
at a USDAA trial somewhere in the Northeast this weekend where Connor
began in P1. Conner went 2 for 3, taking a 3rd in Standard and
possibly a 1st in Snooker (waiting to hear on that one), making Darcy
a very proud Mom. ;-). Go, Conner and Darcy! Conner is more formally known as
Save the World OA OAJ.
Merlin AKC Agility News 10/23/05
- Marti Wiseman and Merlin had a fabulous AKC
weekend in Marietta, Ohio. Merlin picked up two double Q's (his
4th and 5th) then went on to second-place finishes in both the ISC
standard class and the ISC JWW class! Merlin is one point
shy of 200 MACH points and one leg short of his MXJ title.
Merlin is now
more formally known as BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Passage MX AXJ EAC
EJC EGC TN-O TG-O AAD ASA AS AR AJ PD1 RN CGC TDI. Nice job Marti & Merlin!
Good Luck at the Crown Classic in December. We're sure you'll
finish off that MXJ title, and maybe grab a couple more double Q's
while you're at it!
Maxwell's USDAA Agility News 10/16/05
- Rusty and Maxwell had a fairly good
weekend somewhere down south at a USDAA trial. (I report 'em as
I get 'em <G>) Maxwell Q'd in 5 out of 9 runs. They
earned 2 more Super Q's in Masters Snooker with a 1st and 2nd place
finish. They also took 3rd place in Gamblers and got a Pairs leg
and a Steeplechase Q. They had the fastest time of all dogs in
round 1 of Steeplechase, but went off course in the finals, so didn't
end up placing (dang it!). Maxwell is formally known as ADCH
U-AGII BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Agent MX MXJ MAD
TDI Maxwell is a littermate to Merlin
and Conner.
Merlin NADAC News & New Title! 10/09/05
- Congratulations to Marti & Ray Wiseman and their Merlin
on a great NADAC weekend October 8th and 9th, 2005, in Reynoldsburg,
Ohio. Merlin went 6 for 9 in qualifying runs picking up two 2nds
and a 3rd in elite standard, a 3rd in elite tunnelers, two 3rds
in elite jumpers, plus the Elite Gamblers title!! Merlin is now
more formally known as BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Passage MX AXJ EAC
Marti & Merlin!
Conner AKC Agility News 10/08/05
- Congratulations also go out to Darcy Ferrentino and Conner who
picked up 1st place his second time in excellent for his first AX leg!
(Somewhere in New England.) Darcy opted not to run in the
nasty weather for the rest of the weekend as it was extremely wet and
slippery. Conner is more formally known as BasqueLaine-Montage
Save the World OA OAJ. Darcy never ceases to amaze me with her
ability to train/trial multiple successful agility dogs, and Conner it
would appear is going to catch up with his brothers in no time!
- Darcy Ferrentino and "Conner" BasqueLaine-Montage
Save the World OA OAJ finished up their AKC Open Standard title
with a 1st place (in a LARGE class) on September 30, 2005 at the Wine
Country circuit. On Sunday, they picked up a Q in Open Jumpers
good for 2nd place (another large class of maybe 30+) finishing up
their OAJ! Woohoo!!!! Congratulations Darcy and
Conner! Conner is from our Spies'N Heroes litter, a littermate to Maxwell and
More Exciting Wine Country News 10/02/05
Maxwell's Successful NADAC Weekend 10/02/05
- Rusty Pearson and Maxwell had a great
weekend October 1st and 2nd at a NADAC trial in Texas going 8 for 10
with six 1st places and two 2nd places. Maxwell also brought
home a new title, his Outstanding Elite Regular (O-EAC)! Job well done,
Rusty and Maxwell! Maxwell
is closing in on his NATCH and is one Tunneler's run away from his
Outstanding Elite Tunnelers title and two Gambles away from his
Outstanding Elite Gamblers title. Rusty plans to finish off
those titles after the first of the year as he'll be focusing
primarily on USDAA through December. Maxwell is now more
formally known as ADCH U-AGII BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Agent MX MXJ MAD
TDI Maxwell is a littermate to Merlin
and Conner.
Merlin USDAA Agility News 10/02/05
- Marti Wiseman and Merlin had a couple of
nice runs on Sunday at a USDAA trial in Northmoreland PA. Merlin
Q'd in Jumpers and Snooker, taking 1st and 2nd places respectively.
Merlin is more formally known as BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Passage
ASA AS AR AJ PD1 WV-N RN CGC TDI and is from our Spies'N Heroes litter, a littermate to Maxwell and
Conner. Keep up the good work, team
New MX Title for Merlin! 09/18/05
New USDAA Agility Champion, ADCH Maxwell!
- We
have some incredibly exciting news from Rusty Pearson. At a
USDAA Trial in Louisiana on September 17th & 18th, Rusty and his
Texas Tornado Terv Maxwell completed their
Agility Dog Championship by finishing 26" Masters titles in
Relay, Gambler and Snooker, plus a Tournament Master Silver! In
a venue dominated by Border Collies, Maxwell is the 14th Belgian
Tervuren in the United States to become an ADCH and the 2nd with a
TM-Silver. Maxwell is Rusty's first agility dog and first
Belgian. Together they have achieved enormous success in a very
short time, as they only started trialing in USDAA 17 months
ago. I'm proud to say they beat the Border Collies on a regular
basis! They are also close to their MACH, although Rusty has
primarily concentrated on USDAA events. Maxwell is from our
Spies'N Heroes litter. He was bred here at BasqueLaine, co-bred
with Montage. He is by British import George, BISS
Am/Can/Ukc CH Belamba Seaflower Montage CD PT CGC TDI TT out of my
Swedish import Marissa, Mahagonny's Rites of
Passage HIC. Maxwell is the first agility champion from our
breeding program. If I've got all his titles right, Maxwell is
now known as ADCH U-AGII BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Agent MX MXJ MAD
TDI. Way to go, Rusty and Maxwell! Rusty, your breeders
are proud beyond words.
Another Spies'n Heroes Agility Star
Ferrentino is having fun with our up and coming agility dog Conner, BasqueLaine-Montage
Save the World NA NAJ. At his last trial Conner took home his first Open Jumpers leg with a 1st place, to add to his
1st/Q in Open Standard from his trial debut. And, flash breaking news
from the Granby MA AKC trial is that the Conman earned his 2nd
OA and 2nd OAJ legs with 2nd and 3rd class placements. Way to go Darcy
and Conner! Conner is from our Spies'N Heroes litter and is a
littermate to Maxwell and Merlin. He's the third in the litter
to title in agility. We fully expect, knowing Darcy, she'll have
him competing in Excellent B before you know it! |
Marti & Merlin Rock!
BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Passage
and Marti Wiseman continue their winning ways. At a USDAA Trial in
Chagrin Falls OH, they brought home four new titles with ribbons in
nine out of 12 classes, including a Q/2nd in Advanced Pairs for their
AR (Advanced Pairs Relay) title, two Q/1st places in Adv. Standard for
their ASA title, and a Q/2nd and Q in Adv. Jumpers for their AJ
(Advanced Jumpers) title), thereby completing Merlin's AAD title!
top things off, they ran in their second Grand Prix and earned a Q/4th
place. Then on to 2 AKC Trials, and Merlin's third double Q, bringing
his total up to 8 MX legs, 7 MXJ legs, and 149 MACH speed points!
Merlin also went to a NADAC trial where he Q'd 7 out of 10 times and
earned more points towards his Outstanding titles. He now has 95 out
of the 200 points needed toward his Outstanding Elite Standard title (EAC-O)
and 60 points toward his Outstanding Elite Jumpers title (EJC-O)!
Merlin is from our Spies'N Heroes litter, a littermate to Maxwell and
Conner. Needless to say we are proud of these two. ;-) Way
to go guys!
Congratulations Charm!
go out to Kathy Madden, Darcy Ferrentino, and their "Charm" Champion
Beach Talisman AX AXJ P1 PT CGC TDI. Charm and Darcy are on a roll.
In their last two AKC trials they came
home with a Q/4th place in Exc B Standard over a crowd of top dogs and
handlers, plus a 7th MXJ leg, and went on to Granby MA, where they earned
a double Q, with a Q/4th place in Exc B Standard with 13 speed points in a
class of 70 dogs, and a lovely Exc B Jumpers Q with 9 speed points. This
brings Charm up to 5 MX legs, 8 MXJ legs, two double Q's and over 120 MACH
speed points! Quite impressive considering Charm has only been
trialing since the spring of 2005, and he has only been in Exc. B since
April. Charm is the sire of our upcoming Run for the Roses
Performance litter out of Marissa and our Enchanted Litter out of
House Iserah co-bred with Natalie Vivian of Blackcomb Belgian Shepherds.
Maxwell's had a Busy Summer
U-AGII BasqueLaine-Montage Secret Agent MX MXJ MAD SAM JM TM-Bronze
"Maxwell" and Rusty Pearson took a little break from agility
and went to a Dockdogs event where Maxwell earned his Senior Jumpers
title (SJ) on his first jump, going 18' 4" to take 3rd
place. He was the only non-retriever in the competition!
The judge loved Maxwell, commenting that "all he's missing is a
cape." A great way to cool off and get some big air!
Since then Maxwell and Rusty have competed in a few trials including
AKC, NADAC, and USDAA. At an AKC trial in Houston July 23rd
& 24th they picked up their 3rd double Q on carpet, going 26
seconds under course time in Standard and 16 seconds under course time
in Jumpers! At a USDAA team event in College Station TX on
August 13th & 14th Rusty and Maxwell competed against some of the
top dogs and handlers in the country. Maxwell
was the anchor dog, taking 2nd place in both Jumpers and Snooker, 3rd
in Gamblers, and 5th in Standard. The "Lunatic Fringe"
team finished in 6th place overall. Then on to a Texas NADAC
event on August 20th & 21st where Maxwell went 9 for 12, bringing
home NINE ELITE FIRST PLACEMENTS and his Elite Jumpers title, as well
as High in Trial in the Elite class. He also earned the
"Top Gun Award" (voted by the other exhibitors) as the
fastest and most impressive dog of the weekend. Next up was an
AKC trial in Forth Worth TX on August 27th & 238th where Maxwell
picked up another double Q taking 3rd place in jumpers and 4th place
in standard picking up 36 more MACH points. That brings their
AKC totals to 4 double Q's and over 700 MACH points. Then it was
on to another NADAC event where Maxwell was the talk of the trial
going NINE FOR NINE in qualifying runs and bringing home eight 1st
place ribbons!!
favorite run of the weekend was in Tunnelers where Maxwell put on
quite a show, flying through the course in 19 seconds, averaging
nearly 7 yards per second and reeking havoc on the tunnels in the
process. No other dog even broke the 20 second mark! When
the weekend was done they got 4 standard legs, 2 gambles, 2 jumpers,
and a tunnelers. Somewhere along the line Maxwell also earned
his USDAA Tournament Masters Bronze title joining a small group of 2
other Tervs with that title. Maxwell is currently the top
ranking non Border Collie in the USDAA Top Ten Tournament
standings. He's is only 1 Gamblers and 1 Super Q away from his
USDAA Agility Dog Championship. Congratulations, Rusty,
what an awesome summer you've had! Maxwell is out of our Spies'N
Heroes litter, a littermate to Merlin and Conner.
Click here for January
- June 2004