Blackcomb's Impossible Imp

Tigger pictured above at 1 year, playing "battling wolves" with buddy Irish bottom left.

Tigger pictured above at 9 .months of age, with buddy Cinnamon bottom right.

Tigger pictured above at 3+ months of age

Tigger pictured above at 12 weeks of age

Tigger pictured above at 8 weeks of age.

Breeders: Natalie Vivian & Kelley Hoffman
Owners: Sara & Rick Braun and Natalie Vivian
Date of Birth: September 18, 2004

SIRE: Champion Montage Beach Talisman AX AXJ P1 PT CGC TDI
DAM: Hexen House Iserah

Tigger's Pedigree

Tigger is from the Enchanted Litter and is a littermate to
Fawkes, Nakiska, Serenah, Biscuit, Willow, Terah, and Kiera.

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