Can =Canadian
Fr=French Lux=Luxumborg Neth=Netherland UK=United Kingdom
UKC=United Kennel Club
Misc. titles
CGC=Canine Good Citizen (American Kennel Club)
CQN=Certificate of Natural Qualities (protection - Belgium) G'94=Gedragstest
(mental/character test) 1994 (Netherlands)
HIC=Herding Instinct Test SAR=Search & Rescue TT=Temperament Tested (American Temperament Test Society)
UV=Endurance Test (20km - Netherlands)
= Breeders Achievement Award (Conformation,
Obedience, Performance)
Conformation titles
BISS=Best in Specialty Show CAC=National Champion of Beauty
certificate CACIB=International Champion of Beauty certificate (FCI)
CH=Champion of Beauty
pE=producer Elite (recommended for breeding - Holland. Awarded at the
Dutch National) R.E.=Reproducer Elite ((in
French reproducteur or reprodutrice elite), category A - x number of s.r.
subjects produced plus dog/bitch him/her self was an s.r.) R.e.=Reproducer
Elite, category B - x number of s.r. subjects produced (dog/bitch not an s.r.
themself) s.r.=subject
recommend (in French sujet recommande), given at French National, must have HD-A
rated hips, must get an excellent in the open class, committee of judges selects
the s.r.'s from those that qualify. S=Selectif (Belgium)
W'01=Winner of Holland's biggest show (2001)
Performance titles
BTr=Ring Brevet (intro level to
French Ring) GG1=First level Dutch obedience GG2=Second
level Dutch obedience
HSAs=Herding Started A course
- sheep (American Kennel Club) PT=Pre Trial Tested
(herding - American Kennel Club) TD=Tracking Dog
T91=Travail 1991 (working dog - Belgium) UWPCH=United Kennel Club Weight Pull Champion
Hond (IPO mental test)